Initiate yourself as a true Wonder Clubber by completing our specially selected wonder challenges to best prepare you for our exclusive club retreats and events…
Comprised of 18 Wonder Challenges, each has a recommended age level and approximate timeframe for how long it may take you to complete, however please treat these as a rough guide, for everyone is unique.
The Initiation will take approximately 111 hours to complete over 12-18 months, but the insights, skills and results you gain will last a lifetime.
Anyone who is curious to learn more about themselves, become more self-aware about who they are and why, and more importantly, who they want to be moving forward. Anyone who would like to improve their emotional intelligence, declutter their mind and improve their mental clarity.
Anyone who struggles to love and accept themselves, neglects their own needs and/or doesn’t make time for self-care. Who would like to reprogram themselves to prioritise self-love and self-care through the cultivation of discipline, self-awareness and daily rituals.
Anyone who would like to more fully accept themselves, radiate their beauty and confidence, take better care of their beautiful body and style themselves creatively, fearlessly and authentically.
Anyone who suffers from mental health issues such as anxiety or depression and would like to not only improve their relationship with themselves, but also with others. Who would like to liberate themselves from addictions and reprogram themselves with healthy and supportive new beliefs and habits.
Challenge #1 Self-Deception Confessions
Dare to get next level honest with yourself as you explore the nature of distortion and how easy it is to unknowingly deceive ourselves. Ask yourself the big questions and learn how to use the heart to differentiate truth from fiction…
Level: Intermediate / Age 16+
Timeframe: 5 hrs over 4 weeks
Challenge #2 Self Care Assessment
Examine the fundamental importance and higher purpose of self-care, the trinity of our human needs and self-care essentials, how you currently care for yourself, what areas you would like to improve and how you can reach your ideal self-care routine…
Level: Intermediate / Age 16+
Timeframe: 6 hrs over 4 weeks
Challenge #3 What’s Your Story
Investigate of the power of stories, develop increased awareness of your self talk, discover new things about yourself from the stories you tell and explore what stories you’d ideally like to start telling and why...
Level: Intermediate / Age 14+
Timeframe: 5 hrs over 2 weeks
Challenge #4 Breath of Life
In this simple yet powerful 21 day challenge, you will cultivate a life-changing new habit that will not only to heal you, but also transform and evolve your consciousness..
Level: Beginner / Age 8+
Timeframe: 6 hrs over 3 weeks
Challenge #5 Emotional Discovery
Develop your emotional intelligence and self-understanding as you investigate the purpose of your feelings and what they can tell you about yourself and your limiting/false beliefs so that you can become the master of your emotions…
Level: Intermediate / Age 16+
Timeframe: 5 hrs over 2 weeks
Challenge #6 Sacred Heart Activation
Open a powerful portal to your heart by utilising the power of intention, imagination and breath, so that you can heal, strengthen and align with your heart: the gateway to your divine connection with all-that-is…
Level: Beginner / Age 8+
Timeframe: 6 hrs over 3 weeks
Challenge #7 Sunlight For Beauty
In this shocking and thought-provoking challenge, you will discover new truths and scientific discoveries that will transform the way you see the sunlight and support you to create a new relationship with the sun that will nurture your beauty, health and wisdom…
Level: Intermediate / Age 13+
Timeframe: 6 hrs over 4 weeks
Challenge #8 Shadow Exploration
Dare to shine a light on the dark stuff as you explore the nature of polarity and learn how to make peace with the darkness so you can live in balance and harmony…
Level: Advanced / Age 18+
Timeframe: 6 hrs over 4 weeks
Challenge #9 Transmuting Guilt
Discover the true purpose of natural guilt, and how to distinguish it from artificial guilt, as you explore your own sense of guilt and understand what it wants to teach you so can finally transmute it, free yourself from it’s heavy burden and move forward…
Level: Intermediate / Age 16+
Timeframe: 5 hrs over 4 weeks
Challenge #10 Inner Child Reunion
Reconnect with your inner child as you establish a life-changing new relationship with yourself by learning to care for them the way they’ve always needed so you can free yourself from the heaviness of the past, heal your heart and awaken your true child-like spirit…
Level: Intermediate / Age 16+
Timeframe: 3 hrs over 4 weeks
Challenge #11 Body Acceptance
Examine your relationship with your body and cultivate a heart-opening and body-soothing new ritual of next level self-love and self-acceptance. It’s time to make peace with your beautiful body, for it is your birthright to feel good in your own skin…
Level: Intermediate / Age 12+
Timeframe: 8 hrs over 4 weeks
Challenge #12 Core Belief Exploration
Our beliefs create our reality, yet most of us are largely unaware of the core beliefs we have deep down. This investigation will drastically increase your self-awareness and self-understanding of what you really believe, and how to use your feelings as a guide.
Level: Advanced / Age 18+
Timeframe: 5 hrs over 4 weeks
Challenge #13 Self-Forgiveness
In this emotional journey you will take the courageous and important action of self-forgiveness by learning how to advocate yourself and understand the greater purpose for your experiences, including how they made you who you are today…
Level: Intermediate / Age 13+
Timeframe: 4 hrs over 2 weeks
Challenge #14 Cultivating Confidence
Discover a fun, effective and life-changing technique that you can use to cultivate self-confidence in your daily life by utilising the power of your imagination, focus and consistency…
Level: Intermediate / Age 13+
Timeframe: 8 hrs over 4 weeks
Challenge #15 Five Love Languages
Discover the five love languages and examine what your love languages are and why, and use your findings to develop a plan that will strengthen and increase the love you give and receive with your loved ones…
Level: Intermediate / Age 15+
Timeframe: 6 hrs over 3 weeks
Challenge #16 Setting Personal Boundaries
An essential aspect of self-care, this challenge explores the importance of boundaries, including the various types, what kind of boundaries you have and why, how you may be unknowingly violating other’s boundaries and what your new boundaries are…
Level: Intermediate / Age 13+
Timeframe: 3 hrs over 2 weeks
Challenge #17 Musical Reflections
Explore your relationship with music as you become more aware of how the music you have been listening to has impacted you, what it says about you and how to use music consciously as the powerful tool it is…
Level: Intermediate / Age 15+
Timeframe: 6 hrs over 3 weeks
Challenge #18 Serious About Play
In this fun and transformative challenge, you are invited to take a journey back to the magic of childhood: where play is encouraged and respected as a superpower that can heal, educate, connect and inspire they way nothing else can…