Transform Through Self-Awareness


Transform Through Self-Awareness 〰️

“You are so busy being you that you have no idea how utterly unprecedented you are.” ― John Green

the goal of this solar system is to transmute our pain body

and turn it into gold,

this is how we ascend

Dream Challenge

In a dream, you are basically aware of so many facets of an event that many of them

must necessarily escape your waking memory. Yet any real education must take into

consideration the learning processes within dreams, and no one can hope to glimpse the

nature of the psyche without encouraging dream exploration, recall, and the creative use

of dream education in waking life [The Nature of The Psyche , p. 166].

In waking life, our most direct connection with Framework 2 (that inner reality on which our outer reality is based) is limited to impulses, intuitions and hunches — messages sent to our ego by our inner self, operating in Framework 2. Before sending these messages, that suggest actions for us to take, the inner self sorts through the data constantly flowing into it and tries to determine which actions to suggest. One important way to make this determination is via dreams, in which various possibilities are rehearsed and from these, the most productive actions chosen.

In the dream state, the inner self and the outer self — the dreaming ego — meet in a way not possible in waking life, with the inner self observing the dream dramas and the ego participating in them. Through this interaction, the ego gets a firsthand view of how physical reality is created, becomes aware of its ideal psychological pattern, and also experiences the multidimensional world of inner reality — in which we have our after-life existence. For this reason, Seth stresses the importance of becoming consciously aware in the dream state.

Through bringing this state to conscious awareness, there is much to be learned, for through conscious manipulation of dreams, we can change our physical reality into a more harmonious and fulfilling one.

Repeatedly, Seth suggests that we adopt a sleep pattern that lets the waking mind and the dreaming mind become more aware of one another. The ideal pattern would be to take two three-hour naps during a twenty-four hour period, and certainly to sleep no more than six hours at a time. Anything more than that widens the gap between the dreaming and the waking states and cuts down on mental and physical efficiency. Shortening the sleep time, Seth says, enables the waking self to recall more of the dream adventures.

Another way for us to become more consciously aware of our dream environment is simply to suggest, before going to sleep, that we will "come awake" in our dreams, bring our waking self into the dream and remember the experience. If we use this suggestion repeatedly, night after night, and sincerely want to have this awareness, not harboring any hidden fears about what we might meet in our dreams, eventually we will be able to take the conscious ego into the dream and become aware of depths of experience and knowledge unknown before. This will result in much more flexibility and expanded awareness in waking life.

Dreams are highly creative and playful. Seth likens them to childhood games where children scare themselves on purpose, well aware that it's only a game and that when their mother calls them to dinner, the bogeyman will go away. As we grow older, we learn to feel foolish in pretending, life becomes a serious matter, and our playfulness comes out only in the dream state.

Adults' dreams, then, are like child's play. Thus one way for us to discover more about our dreams is to playfully make up dreams for ourselves while in a waking state; to create our own versions of bogeymen and ogres, witches and goblins. This lets us see what symbols are meaningful to us, what situations we set up for ourselves when we dream — for our waking dreams will have much in common with our real ones. This way, we can become aware of the creative flexibility of consciousness that is characteristic of the dreaming state and learn to become more creative and flexible in the waking state as well.

This exercise will focus on a waking dream. It should be done repeatedly. The exercise will work best if you are also recording your nightly dreams at the same time, so that you can compare waking and sleeping dreams. Each night, before going to sleep, suggest to yourself that you will remember your dreams and that you will be consciously aware of them when they are happening. Repeat this suggestion several times, slowly and earnestly; then relax and fall asleep. Keep a notebook and pen next to your bed so that you can write down your dreams as soon as you wake up. But don't just write them down and forget about them. Try to analyze them and see what they are trying to tell you.

Now, in your journal, create a dream for yourself. Do this playfully and without trying to structure what you are writing. Just begin writing and let the images flow without trying to figure out what they mean. Don't try to be logical and stick to one idea. If, in the middle of a sentence, you start going off on another train of thought, let this happen. Try not to put any value judgments on what you're writing ("This is really weird") or lead yourself in a certain direction. Imagine that you are your inner self, watching this dream unfold as you write it down. Imagine, too, that you are the dreaming ego, acting out the events in the dream, playfully, as children do in games. Don't try to put a conclusion on the dream — let it end the way it ends, even if that seems up in the air.

Now try to interpret the dream by playing around with some of the images you came up with. You might want to do some free associations by writing down whatever comes to mind about some of the images. Don't try to force meaning on the dream. Play with it, and see what meaning emerges. The main value of this exercise will be in giving you insights into the nature of your real dreams, and show you what it is like to operate with a more flexible consciousness within a multi-dimensional reality. 

Repeat this exercise regularly, and take notes of how your made-up dreams change as your reality goes through its characteristic fluctuations.

Prayer Song To The Divine

Introduction to Spirit

Give Permission

“Take responsibility for the assistance provided by the Spiritual realms:

Recognize that you are a being with free will and you must give your permission for this support. The Spiritual realms cannot enter your energetic eld without this permission from you.

Acknowledge that you have a right to choose whether or not to be assisted by the Spiritual realms, at any given moment.

Know that you always have the right to change your mind

Consciously open to receive the support, help and assistance that come to you in each moment – in whatever form it takes.

Know that a pre-agreements that you have made with the Spiritual realms and the Archangels need to be activated by you. Activation is done by you giving them permission to work with you on speci c projects and for support in your life. It is very important that we now start honoring these pre-agreements.

Accepting your human aspect

Meditation WIth Spirit

Even if it's just for 5 minutes a day, adopting a daily meditation routine will change your life.

“Meditation is all about the pursuit of nothingness. It’s like the ultimate rest. It’s better than the best sleep you’ve ever had. It’s a quieting of the mind. It sharpens everything, especially your appreciation of your surroundings. It keeps life fresh.” ― Hugh Jackman

The incredible benefits of meditation have been well documented, and yet most of us resist it because we still think "doing nothing" is a waste of time. But this is just an excuse - look how many time the average person spends scrolling through social media....

The real reason most people resist meditation is because the busier your mind normally is, the more uncomfortable and unpleasant it is... at first. If you are the kind of person who is always busy and distracted, and never makes time to just be and connect with the stillness within, when you do finally try to meditate, all the many repressed "annoying", confronting and sometimes painful thoughts that you normally ignore (often for many years) come to the surface for recognition and processing.

This is because energy cannot be destroyed and therefore, unexpressed emotion never dies. The thoughts and feelings you ignore do not go anywhere. They remain within your physical and energetic body until they are allowed to run their course. The good news is, it only gets easier and easier as time goes by until you soon start to feel the benefits of daily mediation and even start to enjoy it.

Prayer is when you talk to God; meditation is when you listen to God. ― Diana Robinson

Your challenge is simple, yet surprisingly difficult: make time every day to silence and clear your mind by focusing on your breathe and use it to deeply relax: to find the deep relaxation and peace within conscious breathing. When thoughts pop into your mind, acknowledge them, breathe them away and return your attention to your sense of relaxation.

How long you do it for is up to you, however we recommend you aim to do it for at least 33 days in a row. Hopefully the benefits you get from this challenge will inspire you to make meditation a ongoing daily habit.

Conscious participation

Kriya Yoga

Questions for spirit

sensual dancing

doing nothing, stillness







being of service


What do I identify with when I view or observe myself as a being on the Earth?

What do I identify with when viewing my reality?

What do I identify with when viewing the Creator?

These are major questions to ask yourself, but they will bring greater recognition of yourself as you are now, as well as a deeper understanding of your truth. To identify with something is to recognise, label, relate, associate, connect and to focus upon. There is also a need to ask these questions answering first with your mind and then with your heart as you may find different responses. It is important to realise that what you are identifying with at this moment may not be the truth of your being but may be attachments, energies, understandings that could be described as illusions only because they are limiting growth, the expanse of your awareness and are hindering your connection with the truth of your being and the Creator.

It is often that the mind will identify with aspects that may be born from illusion but the heart gives a more truthful answer born from love and a greater sense of peace. If you find that at this stage even your heart is experiencing turmoil, then please ask your soul to answer the questions for you. Even if you are unable to gain clear answers of understanding from the questions by simply asking them out loud to yourself and knowing that the answers and clarity will form with divine timing places a focus upon your reality allowing you to become aware of things that you identify with throughout the day. If you discover that you are identifying predominantly with the love and bliss energies of your being, for example, then the simple recognition will boost your self-belief, amplifying all your experience.

The greatest purpose of bringing forth this tool to you today and alerting you to the word, Identify is predominant to eradicate unneeded beliefs, understanding, habits and hindering thoughts. This we could recognise as a purification of your being but the word, Identify allows you to amplify your energies and the presence of the Creator within your being. Maybe these questions can be tools of discovery for you,

Can I identify myself as the Creator and in my relationship with the Creator? Can I recognise, relate, associate, connect and focus upon myself as the Creator and in my relationship with the Creator?

How do I identify myself as the Creator and in my relationship with the Creator? How do I recognise, relate, associate, connect and focus upon myself as the Creator and in my relationship with the Creator?

What these questions are trying to assist you in determining are, do you see, acknowledge or understand yourself as the Creator incarnate on the Earth and realise that you have a powerfully deep connection with the Creator, which is eternal and ever flowing. I wish to encourage you to recognise and identify with this more and more in your reality by erasing thoughts, beliefs, actions that limit you and say that you do not hold the energy of the Creator and nor do you have a deep every flowing connection. It is important to realise and understand what you are connecting with, relating to, focusing upon, associating with and recognising when you look inside of you to discover the energy of the Creator and when you observe the energy of those around you.

It may be that you do not feel the need to enter into the tool that I have shared with you with greater depth because my purpose is to expand your mind and to encourage a spark of inspiration that acts as knowingness within your being. A knowingness that you do and can identify with the Creator within and around you and this is the experience that is unfolding in your reality at this very moment. You are learning or remembering how to identify yourself as the Creator on this Earth while identifying the Creator within others.

No longer allow yourself to identify with your fears; they no longer serve you and no longer offer you comfort. Now is the time to be the brave and courageous light being that you are, discarding fears and accepting the experience, expression and existence of love in all situations. Please remember that when I say no longer identify with fear, I do not mean ignore fear but allow yourself to see fear as an energy that has been adopted by you and is not a part of your truth on the Earth.

I wish to share with you an empowering affirmation,


This means I recognise, relate, associate, connect and focus upon the presence of the Creator within all aspects of my being. It can also mean that I surrender to (or surrender to the realisation of) all aspects of the Creator within my being. This is an extremely powerful message to send to yourself, mind, emotions, heart, soul, soul group, the Creator and the universe, a message of affirmation of your purpose as a light being on the Earth, even if you are currently unaware of your purpose.

Access your authentic power and unlimited potential by investing in the potent superpower of self-awareness…


Approximately 28 hours over 3-6 months

Challenge #1

Unconditional Satisfaction

Develop your emotional intelligence and self-understanding as you investigate the purpose of your feelings and what they can tell you about yourself and your limiting/false beliefs, so that you can become the master of your emotions, and life.

Timeframe: 5 hrs over 2 weeks

Challenge #2

Attitude Gratitude

Investigate of the power of stories, develop increased awareness of your self talk, discover new things about yourself from the stories you tell and explore what stories you’d ideally like to start telling and why...

Timeframe: 5 hrs over 2 weeks

Challenge #3

My Magical Life

Our beliefs create our reality, yet most of us are largely unaware of the core beliefs we have deep down. This investigation will drastically increase your self-awareness and self-understanding of what you really believe, and how to use your feelings as a guide.

Timeframe: 5 hrs over 4 weeks

Challenge #4 

Emotional Creation

Take a closer look at your daily habits and rituals, and use your new knowledge to cultivate healthy new daily rituals through self-awareness, discipline and focus…

Timeframe: 5 hrs over 3 weeks

Challenge #5

The Witness

Create clarity about what your current most important values are and how to magnetise and use them as a compass for navigating life’s choices…

Timeframe: 3 hrs over 1 week

Challenge #6


Explore your repeating life themes and gain clarity about the important life lessons you are currently working through so that you can graduate to the next level of your evolution…

Timeframe: 3 hrs over 3 weeks


“Once I got into it I really looked forward to doing it regularly . Elisabeth has a lot of wisdom and love and I could feel it radiating from her words. She is absolutely on point with so many of the lessons, I resonated with so many… Thank you so much beautiful Elisabeth. Highly recommend!” - Jo Brook, Therapist, Cuddle Haven

I found Elisabeth’s self-development program challenging yet rewarding, she helped me become aware of my limiting beliefs and developed a plan with actions steps that have already benefitted my life. If you want to make changes in your life, and you’re willing to do the work, you’re in good hands with Elisabeth: most of all, she really cares.” - Craig Templeman

“Elisabeth has such a beautiful energy about her. Her massages are an experience you don't want to miss. Such a unique style, and she really makes you feel totally cared for and listened to. I often feel scared giving direct feedback during a session, but Elisabeth encourages it, and it makes such a difference! Thank you so much xx” - Hannah Green

“Elisabeth has a gift and I could not recommend her enough. You can really tell when someone loves helping other people and this is so evident in Elisabeth's service. Thank you much!” - Laura Ennis

“Elisabeth is a true creative, heart-centred gem." -Claire Baker - Author & Coach

“Just completed the Self-Care Assessment of the Self Love Challenge and throughly enjoyed it! I found the guide to be very informative and easy to read, written in a warm heartfelt way. Thoroughly recommend Elisabeth’s work, am just about to start my second one now!” - Zac Bygott - FIFO

Transform Your Reality


Transform Your Reality 〰️

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Self-Awareness Adventure Challenge
Ultimate Transformation Adventure
Sale Price: $555.00 Original Price: $759.00

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