Find Your Tribe

And Have The Most Fun.


What is tribe?

How do we know who our true friends are?

What makes a true friend?

These are questions we ask ourselves a lot here at Wonder Club, as we adventure towards creating our true tribe.

“Far too many people are looking for the right person, instead of trying to be the right person” - Gloria Steinem

Life would be meaningless without people to connect, share, collaborate, love, laugh & play with, but we must never trade our authenticity for approval.

Stop caring what people think about you and care about what you think of yourself.

Discover who you truly are and be bravely, unapologetically yourself.

The best way to serve others, is to first serve yourself by filling your own cup up to make sure your needs are met. Otherwise you will soon find yourself with nothing left to give.

Our capacity to love others is shaped by how well we can love ourselves.

Your vibe attracts your tribe, so if you want to meet your truest tribe, align yourself with your own deepest truth, and by the law of attraction, your tribe will surely find you.