Our COVID 19 Policy

There is No Pandemic

Here are the facts:

The Facts

Deaths in Australia from Cancer 29,030 [ABS 2018]

Deaths in Australia from Heart Disease 17,533 [ABS 2018]

Deaths in Australia from Flu 3,102 [ABS 2018]

Deaths in Australia from Car Accidents 1,182 [CarAdvice 2019]

Deaths in Australia from people who tested Positive for COVID 910 [Updated 18th June 2021]

This does not confirm however that any of these people actually died as COVID as the primary cause.

Source: https://www.health.gov.au/news/health-alerts/novel-coronavirus-2019-ncov-health-alert/coronavirus-covid-19-current-situation-and-case-numbers#covid19-summary-statistics

Recovery Rate 99% [29 August 2020]

Source https://cv19info.live/australia/

750 to 1,500 suicides due to lockdowns

Source https://www.rt.com/news/488070-australia-us-coronavirus-suicide-spike/

Declaration Of The Exercise Of Rights, Liberties & Freedoms

 We declare all Government legislation and directions mandating, compelling, imposing upon, forcing or coercing the common people of Australia to comply with legislation and directions that restrict, limit, obstruct, trespass or diminish their rights, liberties and freedoms as;

1.          Illegal, unlawful and void, and

2.          Repugnant to Australia’s Constitution, specifically sections 53, 58, 60-61, 64, 116 & 117>, and

3.          Contrary to, in conflict with and in breach of, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights – specifically sections 1 – 30, and

4.          An act of war and genocide against the common people of Australia, and

5.          Malicious, treasonous and fraudulent.


We note the following information published by the Therapeutic Goods Administration on behalf of the Australian Government Department of Health:

  1. The Australian Public Health Assessment Report for BNT162b2 (mRNA), with Propriety Product Name: Comirnaty, and Sponsor: Pfizer Australia Pty Ltd, dated January 2021.

  2. The Australian Product Information Sheet for the Pfizer vaccine above.

  3. The Australian Public Assessment Report for ChAdOx1-S, with Propriety Product Name: COVID 19

Vaccine AstraZeneca, and Sponsor: AstraZeneca Pty Ltd, dated February 2021. 4. The Australian Product Information for the AstraZeneca Vaccine above.

  • Approvals were given without complete safety and efficacy data being available.

  • The long-term safety and efficacy of these vaccines are unknown.

  • The duration and effect of vaccine protection from these vaccines are unknown.

  • Vaccine efficacy against asymptomatic infection and viral transmission is unknown.

  • The concomitant use of these vaccines with other drugs and vaccines is unknown.

  • Vaccine data in pregnant women and lactating mothers is unknown.

  • Vaccine efficacy and safety in immunocompromised individuals is unknown.

  • Vaccine efficacy and safety in paediatric subjects (< 16 years old) is unknown.

  • Vaccine efficacy and safety in elderly subjects (> 85 years old) is unknown.

  • A correlate of protection has yet to be established. The vaccine immunogenicity cannot be considered and used as the surrogate for vaccine protective efficacy at this stage.

The novelty of the mRNA technology and its possible effects are unknown.
The real-world vaccine effectiveness when these vaccines are rolled out to a larger and more diverse population is largely unknown.

The vaccine efficacy in the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander population has not been studied.

We further note that:

• The vaccine companies’ trial and study documentation and the surveillance data from overseas reveals numerous adverse health events linked to the vaccines including hypersensitivity, anaphylaxis, anxiety related reactions, increased triggers for autoimmune disease, thrombocytopenia and coagulation disorders, exacerbation of neurological events, paralysis, convulsions and death.

  • The biggest risk with both vaccines is auto-immune response. From an immunology perspective, the antibodies may be ‘tricked’ into destroying otherwise healthy cells when encountered in future.

  • Previous coronavirus vaccines have never passed the pre-clinical stage. SARS-CoV vaccines were tested in a number of animal trials conducted which resulted in consistent auto-immune reaction outcomes. Furthermore, the m-RNA vaccines have not been used on humans before.

  • The disease COVID-19 presents a 99.9% rate of full recovery for those under 70 years of age with no serious co-morbidity. Directing and/or mandating vaccines on the whole population given these statistics is a disproportionate response.

  • The vaccine companies have a history of criminal conduct including charges and convictions for illegal marketing, bribery and health care fraud.

  • The Australian Government has made it abundantly clear that vaccination against COVID-19 will be voluntary for the Australian public and no disincentives will apply (e.g. denial of financial benefits) to those choosing not to get vaccinated.

  • There are no government mandates for COVID-19 vaccination.

  • Alternative controls are available to employers and occupiers to maintain occupational health and safety and public safety.

We further note that numerous laws, regulations and policies protect the right of informed consent in receiving a vaccine or any medical procedure, including:

• The Commonwealth Constitution s.51(xxiiiA) which prohibits civil conscription in medical and dental services.

  • The Biosecurity Act 2015 (Cth) s.95 prohibits the use of force for vaccination.

  • The Biosecurity Act 2015 s.92 prohibits vaccination or treatment without an individual Biosecurity

    Control Order with stringent requirements.

  • Article 6 of the UNESCO statement on Bioethics and Human Rights, Section 1, states “Any preventative diagnostic and therapeutic medical intervention is only to be carried out with the prior free and informed consent of the person concerned, based on adequate information. The consent should, where appropriate, be express and may be withdrawn by the person concerned at any time and for any reason, without disadvantage and without prejudice”.

  • Nuremberg Code, Article 1, states “The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential”.

  • Section 83.4 of the Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth), which relates to interfering with political liberty states “Any person who, by violence or by threats or intimidation of any kind, hinders or interferes with the free exercise or performance, by any other person of any political right or duty shall be guilty of an offence”.

  • In the Australian Government’s Immunisation Handbook under Section 2.1.3 Valid Consent, it states that for consent to legally valid “It must be given voluntarily in the absence of undue pressure, coercion or manipulation.”


Requiring the use of COVIDSafe

             (1)  A person commits an offence if the person requires another person to:

                     (a)  download COVIDSafe to a communication device; or

                     (b)  have COVIDSafe in operation on a communication device; or

                     (c)  consent to uploading COVID app data from a communication device to the National COVIDSafe Data Store.

Penalty:  Imprisonment for 5 years or 300 penalty units, or both.

             (2)  A person commits an offence if the person:

                     (a)  refuses to enter into, or continue, a contract or arrangement with another person (including a contract of employment); or

                     (b)  takes adverse action (within the meaning of the Fair Work Act 2009 ) against another person; or

                     (c)  refuses to allow another person to enter:

                              (i)  premises that are otherwise accessible to the public; or

                             (ii)  premises that the other person has a right to enter; or

                     (d)  refuses to allow another person to participate in an activity; or

                     (e)  refuses to receive goods or services from another person, or insists on providing less monetary consideration for the goods or services; or

                      (f)  refuses to provide goods or services to another person, or insists on receiving more monetary consideration for the goods or services;

on the ground that, or on grounds that include the ground that, the other person:

                     (g)  has not downloaded COVIDSafe to a communication device; or

                     (h)  does not have COVIDSafe in operation on a communication device; or

                      (i)  has not consented to uploading COVID app data from a communication device to the National COVIDSafe Data Store.

Penalty:  Imprisonment for 5 years or 300 penalty units, or both.

             (3)  To avoid doubt:

                     (a)  subsection (2) is a workplace law for the purposes of the Fair Work Act 2009 ; and

                     (b)  the benefit that the other person derives because of an obligation of the person under subsection (2) is a workplace right within the meaning of Part 3-1 of that Act.


Legal Advice From Reignite Democracy Australia

There has been a lot of misinformation in the media over the last several months about “Vaccine Passports” and the requirement for businesses to enforce rules that would result in medical apartheid.

These “rules” are not as yet Australia wide but the principles that operate to prevent such division amongst Australians already apply across Australia. The discussion here specifically addresses NSW “orders” that are already in place but the same principles will apply if and when the remaining States and Territories introduce similar orders.

Public Health (COVID-19 General) Order 2021 commenced at 8am on 21 October 2021 in NSW and attempts to place the following obligation on an “occupier” of certain premises :

“The occupier of the following premises in the general area must take reasonable steps to ensure that an unvaccinated adult is not on the premises”

No guidance is provided with respect to “reasonable steps”.

However, section 5.3(2) of the “orders” attempts to place the following obligation on a person who enters premises that are listed in Schedule 5:

“The person must ensure the person’s contact details are registered electronically when the person enters the premises— (a)by using the person’s phone to register the details with Service NSW, or …” 1 Refer to section 2.18(1) for list of premises, page 13. Section 5.3(3) also attempts to place the following obligation on the occupier of the premises: “(3) The occupier of the premises must take reasonable steps to ensure a person complies with this clause when entering the premises.”

The requirement to provide contact details upon entering does not extend to voluntarily providing medical information to Service NSW via phone app or the providing it to the “occupier” and there is no requirement on “occupiers” to request someone’s medical information.

An “occupier” satisfies their obligations under these “orders” by simply placing a sign on the entry door requesting people provide their contact details and politely asking that “unvaccinated” adults refrain from entering.

There is no obligation to expend resources on collecting data on behalf of Service NSW and there is no requirement to ask people entering the premises for information that they DO NOT have to provide you.

Many people are unaware of their legally protected right to keep all personal medical information - private. No one is required to disclose their personal medical information to anyone unless they provide consent (Privacy Act (Cth) 1988).

It is important to remember that Federal Legislation ALWAYS applies to the extent that there is any inconsistency between State and Federal laws and regulations. Even if the “orders” did require people to provide their private medical information as a condition of entry, the Privacy Act (Cth) 1988, would make such a requirement unlawful.

This same principle applies to ALL States and Territories.

In short – an “occupier” DOES NOT have to ask, and you DO NOT have to tell.


This legislation is designed to contain epidemics and pandemics in Australia. When applied, it basically gives the Federal Government emergency powers it normally wouldn’t have in “normal” circumstances.

What most people don’t realise is that it pays to understand the Biosecurity Act so there’s not an over-reach of powers from authorities. Here are some of the key points:

  • The Act has priority over all State and Territory legislation during an emergency.

  • The Federal Government can declare an emergency if it is satis ed a “listed human disease is posing a severe and immediate threat, or is causing harm, to human health on a nationally signi cant scale” and the declaration is necessary to contain the disease.

  • Further, the Health Minister may impose specific requirements regarding the movement of people or goods.


  • Unless authorities can show that you are exposed to a risk, to the disease, or you have signs and symptoms of that disease, no law or policy can require you to be bodily sampled, vaccinated, detained, isolated, mandated to wear masks unless it is under strict circumstances.

  • For example, imposing a human biosecurity control order on someone can only be done by an

AUTHORISED OFFICER, specifically a chief human biosecurity officer, a human biosecurity officer or a biosecurity officer - NOT police.

• You do not need to comply with anything unless you have been issued with a biosecurity control order detailing a list of very specific things (for example, proving that you are infectious). This is the law.

• Perfectly healthy people should not be required to do anything because the presumption under the Biosecurity act is that YOU ARE HEALTHY UNTIL YOU ARE PROVEN SICK, NOT the other way around.

• Interestingly, force must not be used against someone to get them to comply with certain measures in the Biosecurity Act.

Here are some questions you can pose to police officers:

1. “Are you an authorised officer? “

2. “Am I at risk and has a medical practitioner assessed my infectious risk status?”

3. “Have you issued me a speci c Biosecurity control order, specifying all reasons etc?”

Knowing even just these basics about the Biosecurity Act 2015 will get you a long way. You can read the Act further here:


Remember, mandates and directives from the Government or any other authority are NOT LAW. Our natural rights are actually enshrined within Natural Law and Common Law, which have been used to govern and keep peace in communities since earliest civilisations. Bodily sovereignty is one of these rights. Most of Australia’s media is owned by two corporations.

So try and seek out independent sources of information and use alternate search engines, eg: DuckDuckGo and Ecosia. Do your own research. Think critically and without bias. Ultimately, our actions will create the reality we live in.

To learn more about your rights visit:









