You are invited

 to participate in a social experiment never seen before..


Become an Original.

Are you curious, brave, and ready to step out of your comfort zone? 
Are you ready to feel alive?

We’re looking for 144 brave truth-embracers to become the first to join Confession Club and trial our revolutionary Truth or Dare Social Therapy Game & Contest.
Dare to experience the majesty of coming home to your truest, bravest self as you connect, play and co-create a true tribe who have the most fun, after all - healing takes place in the frequency of joy, so why not go play? 

Although we are seriously playful, we are also playfully serious: our truths and dares will challenge you to the core... giving you the opportunity to see how brave and strong you can be.
Naturally, as an Original, you will receive exclusive perks, prizes and privileges, and be invited to help with making important decisions for the evolution of Confession Club.

Once the first round of 144 memberships are sold, memberships will be closed until we are ready to open our doors to new members on an invite-only basis, for our priority will always be to nurture our club as a true tribe, over making profit.

In a system of suppression,
the cure is EXPRESSION

“There is no greater agony than an untold story” - Maya Angelou

The Power of Confession

“Concealment makes the soul a swamp… confession is how you drain it” - Charles M Blow

✓ Feel lighter & braver: liberate yourself with the truth
✓ Embrace vulnerability as a force that enables true connection
✓ Move beyond small talk to more meaningful waters
✓ Prove to yourself you can overcome your fears
 ✓ Share your untold stories and embrace all that you are
✓ Make friendships based in authenticity, courage and play 
✓ Entertain and inspire others to speak their truth and explore outside their comfort zone
✓ Compete for points and earn fun & exciting rewards, such as perks, privileges and prizes at our exclusive club events, giveaways, discounted products and services, and free Wonder Challenges.


Our revolutionary truth or dare game therapy does NOT involve tasteless or potentially traumatic sexual challenges. 
Our wholesome challenges are purposefully designed to inspire and support you to embrace challenge as a catalyst and opportunity for personal growth. 
To explore, embrace and express who you are for the sake of play, laughter, self-expression, self-discovery, self-therapy and creating new friendships. 

Ready to discover

& embrace the bravest you?

Don't miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to become an Original Confession Clubber, because not only will our prices be going up, this is sure to be a fun, transformative and seriously original experience.

Shine Your Disco Balls Today!